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Type: Stocks
Ticker: DYL
ISIN: AU000000DYL4

More information about DEEP YELLOW LIMITED

Sector: Oil & gas


Deep Yellow Limited (ASX:DYL) is a specialist uranium company implementing a new strategy to grow shareholder wealth. This strategy is founded upon growing the existing uranium resources across the Company’s uranium projects in Namibia and the pursuit of accretive, counter-cyclical acquisitions to build a geographically diverse asset portfolio. In parallel to its expansion objectives, the Company has a cornerstone suite of projects in Namibia, a top-ranked African mining destination with a long, well regarded history of safely and effectively developing and regulating its considerable uranium mining industry. Deep Yellow holds four contiguous Exclusive Prospecting Licences (EPLs) covering 1,730km2 within the heart of what is a world recognised, prospective uranium province of high significance. The tenements are strategically located amongst the major uranium mines of this region – 20km south of the Husab/Rössing deposits and 40km southwest of the Langer Heinrich deposit. Previous exploration has delineated a current resource base of 50.1Mlb U308 @ 245ppm (palaeochannel related/Langer Heinrich style deposits) and 45.1Mlb U308 @ 420ppm (alaskite related Rössing and Husab style deposits). The belief of current management is that these resources can be enhanced significantly and the 2017 exploration programme has already achieved a new discovery.