AUD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change

You are currently viewing the AUD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
AUD/MXN 11.1980 +0.34% 11.1602 11.2071 11.1552 55,959 - -
AUD/USD 0.6645 +0.32% 0.6624 0.6651 0.6622 36,527 - -
AUD/HKD 5.1884 +0.27% 5.1744 5.1951 5.1728 7,349 - -
AUD/HUF 236.91 +0.23% 236.37 237.09 236.18 53,023 - -
AUD/DKK 4.5789 +0.19% 4.5702 4.5832 4.5669 4,324 - -
AUD/CAD 0.9055 +0.12% 0.9044 0.9071 0.9039 30,741 - -
AUD/PLN 2.6169 +0.10% 2.6143 2.6222 2.6121 6,378 - -
AUD/SEK 7.1664 +0.09% 7.1602 7.1791 7.1564 20,275 - -
AUD/CHF 0.6012 +0.08% 0.6007 0.6025 0.6002 28,184 - -
AUD/ZAR 12.1970 +0.07% 12.1880 12.2228 12.1678 96,280 - -
AUD/SGD 0.8961 +0.06% 0.8956 0.8979 0.8951 18,764 - -
AUD/CNH 4.79801 +0.02% 4.79705 4.80623 4.79328 87,333 - -
AUD/NZD 1.0959 -0.03% 1.0962 1.0977 1.0956 34,553 - -
AUD/CZK 15.19 -0.07% 15.20 15.24 15.18 12,744 - -
GBP/AUD 1.8971 -0.14% 1.8998 1.9012 1.8943 63,609 - -
EUR/AUD 1.6296 -0.18% 1.6326 1.6337 1.6279 22,601 - -
AUD/JPY 103.48 -0.18% 103.68 104.04 103.42 29,764 - -
AUD/NOK 7.1449 -0.23% 7.1616 7.1773 7.1406 20,634 - -