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- Real time data - Cryptocompare
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High / Low range: -
Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: RLY

More information about RALLY


The Rally Network is an open, decentralized network that is powered by its native ERC-20 governance token, $RLY. $RLY is an Ethereum blockchain-based asset that can be sent and received in the Ethereum mainnet network. An open network for digital creators, crypto influencers, brands and celebrities to build tokenized communities. It provides creators with tools to build virtual economies that extend their brands while also providing community benefits and new economic incentives for fans to engage with their favourite creators.

Creator Coins are digital currencies that represent the brands of Creators. Creator Coins are the first in the long line of customizable, Creator-branded blockchain tools on the Rally Network.

Rally offers anyone with an online community the ability to launch their own coin without the complexity of coding on the ethereum blockchain. Rally is a decentralized platform completely governed by the community. This means that creators and their communities have unfettered control to use their social tokens across all social platforms.

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