GBP currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G

You are currently viewing the GBP currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
GBP/JPY 194.33 +0.11% 194.12 194.48 193.84 18,423 - -
GBP/MXN 21.1481 +0.05% 21.1370 21.1619 21.1330 46,465 - -
GBP/SEK 13.6374 +0.04% 13.6323 13.6382 13.6248 53,420 - -
GBP/CHF 1.1346 +0.04% 1.1343 1.1354 1.1340 8,360 - -
GBP/CZK 29.079 +0.01% 29.076 29.088 29.069 14,434 - -
GBP/NZD 2.0808 +0.00% 2.0809 2.0841 2.0796 41,466 - -
GBP/PLN 4.9999 +0.00% 5.0000 5.0013 4.9984 1,632 - -
GBP/CNH 9.0291 -0.01% 9.0297 9.0347 9.0263 25,453 - -
GBP/DKK 8.6708 -0.01% 8.6714 8.6733 8.6693 8,490 - -
GBP/HUF 451.85 -0.01% 451.89 452.04 451.76 17,787 - -
GBP/AUD 1.8989 -0.02% 1.8993 1.9011 1.8977 39,999 - -
GBP/SGD 1.6930 -0.02% 1.6934 1.6941 1.6927 11,604 - -
GBP/USD 1.2490 -0.02% 1.2493 1.2502 1.2487 28,443 - -
GBP/NOK 13.6186 -0.03% 13.6224 13.6315 13.6120 82,182 - -
GBP/HKD 9.762 -0.03% 9.765 9.772 9.760 7,149 - -
GBP/CAD 1.7144 -0.04% 1.7150 1.7155 1.7142 22,070 - -
GBP/ZAR 23.1996 -0.04% 23.2100 23.2292 23.1956 52,551 - -