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Weborama’s parent company tops Amazon’s bid to acquire Sizmek Ad Server and DCO

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Press release – June, 7 2019 – 8:30am

Weborama’s parent company tops Amazon’s bid to acquire
Sizmek Ad Server and DCO

Weborama’s parent company Ycor has decided to top Amazon’s bid for Sizmek Ad Server and DCO, with the vision of building the independent alternative the advertising industry needs.

On March 29, 2019, Sizmek – the second largest Ad Server globally, far outweighed by Google’s Ad Manager division – filed for US Chapter 11 protection. Multiple companies have expressed interest in acquiring the Ad Serving part of the company. On May 31, 2019, Amazon announced it signed an agreement to acquire Sizmek Ad Server and Sizmek DCO. 

Weborama is a leading European tech and data company, which serves global clients in the fields of Ad Serving, DMP and state-of-the-art Semantic AI. Weborama and Ycor have spent the last two months assessing the acquisition of Sizmek Ad Server and DCO. We believe overbidding today the existing offer is the best decision from an industry perspective. Acquisition will be made by Ycor, Weborama’s parent company.

Alain Lévy, CEO of Weborama and Partner at Ycor, said: “Obviously, we are conscious that, given how incommensurate Amazon’s resources are, it can bring “David versus Goliath” to mind. Today, we make a financial commitment, taking into account what is at stake for the industry as a whole: prevent the advent of a duopoly. We do believe that no one should turn a blind eye on Sizmek Ad Server being possibly acquired by a global platform – be it Amazon or another. Choice must prevail.” 

Marketers and agencies need an independent, neutral and transparent Ad Server player, able to serve as a fair alternative to dominant offerings. The same applies to talent who, when given the choice, might opt to join a dedicated close-knit company whose sole craft is to help raise the bar of precision marketing.  

Teaming up with Sizmek, Weborama will provide marketers and agencies with such an independent alternative, powered by dedicated cutting-edge technologies.


WEBORAMA / YCOR – Alain Lévy – [email protected]
CALYPTUS – Mathieu Calleux - – [email protected]





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