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Change of CEO at Martela Corporation

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The CEO of Martela Corporation, Artti Aurasmaa, has decided to step down from his role to take a new position in another organization. Aurasmaa will continue to work for Martela up to the end of his six-month notice period. The Board of Directors at Martela will immediately launch the search for a new CEO.

“We have revised Martela’s strategy during the past year, and the operational team is extremely competent. The company has advanced to a vanguard position in modern hybrid work. Its delivery capability is in good shape as the pandemic eases out, and customer satisfaction is at an excellent level. In this situation, with a confident mind, I have decided to accept a new challenge outside Martela,” Artti Aurasmaa says.

“I want to extend warm thanks to Artti for his contribution at Martela and wish him all the best to the next challenges. As a dynamic change leader, Artti has brought fresh thinking into the company, the effects of which will outlast his tenure. We will now initiate the process of recruiting a new CEO, while Artti will remain at Martela’s service for the time being,” says Johan Mild, Chairman of the Board at Martela.

On February 25, 2021, Martela announced a re-designed Leadership Team, tasked with accelerating the implementation of Martela’s strategy in selected core business areas. Martela responds to the growing need for diverse work and learning environments and increasing environmental awareness with modifiable lifecycle services that follow circular economy and sustainability principles.

Martela Corporation
Board of Directors

Further information

Johan Mild, tel. + 358 40 301 3004
Artti Aurasmaa, tel. + 358 45 186 1775

Nasdaq Helsinki
Main news media

Our strategic direction is defined by our mission “Better working” and our vision “People-centric workplaces”. Martela provides people centric workplaces where the users and their wellbeing are in the core. We focus on the Nordic countries, as the Nordic countries are forerunner in hybrid working environments with common open work culture background and needs.


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