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Magnit announces the results of the Board meeting

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Magnit announces the results of the Board meeting

27-May-2022 / 11:00 MSK
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
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Magnit announces the results of the Board meeting



Krasnodar, Russia (May 27, 2022): Magnit PJSC (MOEX and LSE: MGNT; the Company), one of Russia’s leading retailers, announces the resolutions of the Board of Directors taken at the meeting held on May 26, 2022.


Nominees to the Board of Directors


Taking into account the refusal of Dmitry Dorofeev to be elected to the Board of Directors of PJSC Magnit, the Board approved the list of nominees to PJSC Magnit Board of Directors to be elected at the upcoming AGM of PJSC Magnit as follows:


  1. Adamyan Naira Vilenovna;
  2. Wetli Pierre-Laurent;
  3. Vinokurov Alexander Semenovich;
  4. Dunning Jan Gezinus;
  5. Zakharov Sergey Mikhailovich;
  6. Zubreeva Anastasia Leonidovna;
  7. Koch Walter Hans;
  8. Lepekhin Maksim Sergeevich;
  9. Makhnev Alexey Petrovich;
  10. Milinova Elena Mikhailovna;
  11. Panchenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich;
  12. Petrov Alexey Evgenyevich;
  13. Piven Sergey Aleksandrovich;
  14. Puzakov Pavel Ivanovich;
  15. Ryan Charles Emmitt;
  16. Rozanov Vsevolod Valeryevich;
  17. Simmons James Pat;
  18. Titov Andrey Evgenyevich;
  19. Yakovitskiy Alexey Andreevich;
  20. Yasnobulka Olexander.


Election of the President of PJSC Magnit


The Board of Directors made a decision to elect Jan Dunning to the position of the President (sole executive body) of PJSC Magnit for the new term of 3 years starting from May 31, 2022 (inclusive).


His share in the charter capital of PJSC Magnit (share of voting shares) is 0.167145%.



Annual General Shareholders Meeting


The Board of Directors approved the agenda of the annual General Shareholders Meeting (AGM) of PJSC Magnit as follows:

  1. Approval of the Annual report of PJSC Magnit for 2021.
  2. Approval of the annual accounting (financial) reports of PJSC Magnit.
  3. Approval of distribution of profits of PJSC Magnit following the results of 2021 reporting year.
  4. Election of members of the Board of Directors of PJSC Magnit.
  5. Approval of the auditor of PJSC Magnit for the financial statements prepared in accordance with the Russian accounting standards.
  6. Approval of the auditor of PJSC Magnit for the financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.


Information materials which are to be provided to shareholders entitled to participate in the AGM will be available from June 9, 2022 on business days from 10 AM to 5 PM (break from 12 PM to 1 PM) in Magnit’s head office at the following address: 15/5 Solnechnaya street, Krasnodar, Russia, tel. (861) 210-98-10 ext. 14992.


Materials will also be available at the Company’s official website on the Internet:

  1. in Russian language:;

2. in English:»/.


Please follow the link below for more information about the results of the Board of Directors meeting:







For further information, please contact:


Dina Chistyak

Head of Investor Relations 
dina_chisty[email protected]

Office: +7 (861) 210 9810 x 15101


Media Inquiries                    Twitter

[email protected]                    @MagnitIR







Note to editors


 “Magnit” is one of Russia’s leading retailers. Founded in 1994, the company is headquartered in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. As of March 31, 2022, Magnit operated 45 distribution centers and 26,605 stores in 3,946 cities and towns throughout 7 federal regions of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the audited IFRS 16 results for FY 2021, Magnit had revenues of RUB 1,856 billion and an EBITDA of RUB 214 billion. Magnit's local shares are listed on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX: MGNT) and its GDRs on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: MGNT).





Forward-looking statements


This document contains or may contain forward-looking statements that may or may not prove accurate. For example, statements regarding expected sales growth rate and/or store openings are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from what is expressed or implied by the statements. Any forward-looking statement is based on information available to Magnit as of the date of the statement. All written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to Magnit are qualified by this caution. Magnit does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in circumstances.


ISIN: US55953Q2021
Category Code: MSCU
LEI Code: 2534009KKPTVL99W2Y12
OAM Categories: 3.1. Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
Sequence No.: 164551
EQS News ID: 1362771

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