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Rio Tinto: Update on Tropical Cyclone Damien

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Rio Tinto’s iron ore operations in the Pilbara, Western Australia, are progressively resuming following the passing of Tropical Cyclone Damien. The cyclone caused infrastructure damage across our entire Pilbara network, including impact to access roads, electrical and communications infrastructure and accommodation. All mine sites experienced some disruption and will take time to return to normal operations.

As a result, Rio Tinto’s Pilbara shipments in 2020 are now expected to be between 324 million tonnes and 334 million tonnes (100 per cent basis) versus previous guidance of between 330 million tonnes and 343 million tonnes. Rio Tinto is working with its customers to minimise any disruption in supply.

Safety remains our top priority as we ramp up operations, and undertake the necessary remediation work, following the passing of the cyclone.

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