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Ticker: TPC

Michael Smithson Joins Tutor Perini to Lead the Building and Specialty Contractors Segments

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Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE: TPC) (the “Company”), a leading civil, building and specialty construction company, announced today that Michael Smithson recently joined the Company as an Executive Vice President to lead and manage the growth and future success of the Building and Specialty Contractors segments. Previously, Mr. Smithson was a Senior Vice President at Skanska USA for nine years, where he was responsible for Skanska’s heavy civil projects located within Los Angeles County and its underground heavy civil projects in the western United States. Prior to joining Skanska USA, he worked for Kenny Construction in Chicago for seven years. Mr. Smithson has a Bachelor of Science in Geologic Engineering from Purdue University and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ronald Tutor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tutor Perini, commented, “We are pleased to welcome Mike to our management team and look forward to working with him to drive the next phase of the Company’s growth.”

About Tutor Perini Corporation

Tutor Perini Corporation is a leading civil, building and specialty construction company offering diversified general contracting and design-build services to private clients and public agencies throughout the world. We have provided construction services since 1894 and have established a strong reputation within our markets by executing large, complex projects on time and within budget while adhering to strict quality control measures.

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