Money management in trading

Risk management is what makes the difference between a winning and losing trader. If you are new to the financial markets, your goal should not be to make money, but not to lose money. Learning money management is carried out on a demo account. Take time to understand the mechanisms of leverage.
Be aware that the greater the leverage, the greater your risk. It is important to apply this risk management to all your trades. All you need is one exception to lose all your capital. This section discusses the main elements of money management and the various questions you may have about it.
Money management for novice traders
Trading without a Stop Loss
Correctly place your stop loss when trading
Trading rules: Should they be followed?
Risk management rules
How to assess a trading strategy’s risk
Stop loss management in day trading
The risk of slippage in trading
Risk aversion on the markets is falling
Is trading a high-risk activity?
United States: should we copy its Trading rules?
Stop hunting: a false pretext?
Drawdown on a Trading Account
Playlist -Money management and trading : In this playlist CentralCharts has gathered the best Youtube videos for different trading risks, and how to manage those risks.
Click for the full playlist