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Wayfair Earns Top Marks in Human Rights Campaign's 2022 Corporate Equality Index

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Wayfair Inc. (NYSE:W), one of the largest destinations for the home, today announced that the company earned a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index for the second consecutive year. The HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring company practices, policies, and benefits related to LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.

“Wayfair is proud to be recognized again by the Human Rights Campaign as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality,” noted Kate Gulliver, Chief People Officer, Wayfair. “At Wayfair, we are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels safe and included and can proudly bring their true selves to work. We remain focused on partnering with our LGBTQ+ community at Wayfair as we continually improve our programs and launch new initiatives to ensure that every employee has an equal opportunity to make an impact and thrive in their careers.”

Wayfair is committed to providing benefits inclusive for LGBTQ+ employees, including domestic partner benefits, and transgender-inclusive healthcare and policies to support gender transitions. In addition, Wayfair employees globally come together through the WayOut employee resource group (ERG), which drives programming and events that help create a sense of belonging for Wayfair's LGBTQ+ community.

Wayfair also offers numerous culture and inclusion trainings that cover sexual orientations and gender identity in addition to other dimensions of diversity. The company has committed to promoting a workplace that celebrates a culture of inclusion by ensuring bias and microaggression concepts are integrated into employee trainings, including in the company’s Certified Interview Program (CIP), which is required for all employees who engage in the hiring process at Wayfair.

The CEI rates employers providing these crucial protections to over 20 million U.S. workers and an additional 18 million abroad. Companies rated in the CEI include Fortune magazine’s 500 largest publicly traded businesses, American Lawyer magazine’s top 200 revenue-grossing law firms (AmLaw 200), and hundreds of publicly and privately held mid- to large-sized businesses.

About Wayfair

Wayfair is the destination for all things home: helping everyone, anywhere create their feeling of home. From expert customer service, to the development of tools that make the shopping process easier, to carrying one of the widest and deepest selections of items for every space, style, and budget, Wayfair gives everyone the power to create spaces that are just right for them.

The Wayfair family of sites includes:

  • Wayfair - Everything home – for a space that’s all you.
  • Joss & Main - The ultimate style edit for home.
  • AllModern - All of modern, made simple.
  • Birch Lane - A fresh take on the classics.
  • Perigold - An undiscovered world of luxury design.

Wayfair generated $14.1 billion in net revenue for the twelve months ended September 30, 2021. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts with operations throughout North America and Europe, Wayfair employs approximately 16,000 people.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220126006110/en/

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