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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: KICK

More information about KICK


KICKICO is an ecosystem, combining initiatives of entrepreneurs, investors and service-providers into a community that allows every participant to benefit. It is a community-based platform on blockchain, used to host fundraising campaigns, support, rate and discuss them, purchase their tokens via cryptocurrencies.

The platform is serving the interests of each and every user, giving authors an opportunity to communicate with their potential customers directly. Crucial feedback from the community will help them to find and fix their weak spots, meanwhile preparing their campaigns to be launched.

Investors, in their turn, are getting valuable information and various tools, drastically improving the token purchase decision making process, spiced up with pleasant bonuses.

Every member can affect the fate of each individual project and the industry as a whole by expressing his opinion and voting for campaigns they find worthy.

Our community’s development, expertise and its involvement into the ecosystem allows us to ensure it with the trust to choose campaigns, that will be launched on KICKICO.

The automated campaign scoring system and user rating are embodying the initial KICKICO vision: decentralization and community rule.

Its ERC20 Ethereum token, KickCoin, is a virtual currency, which is designed to be used by project authors for mutual settlements inside KIСKIСO: to pay for the launch of their fundraising projects, to purchase various attributes for fundraising projects, and for other internal processes and payments within the infrastructure of the KICKICO and KICKONOMY.

KickCoins are the way to receive additional 10% bonus tokens in the campaigns launched on the platform.

By creating a campaign on KICKICO authors can get instant access to our community and feedback from their potential customers - our community members. Listing your campaign in our Community Choice public rating allows you to probe the market and get your projects reviewed and rated by our users. After successfully paving your way to the top of the rating, author can apply for the pre-launch moderation, which calls in our team of experts, willing to take a deeper look at their project. At this stage campaign gets thoroughly analyzed along with the projects itself, the team, idea, and its implementation. You will get advices and feedback on how to make your campaign ready for its start and how to conduct and market it, how to manage your pr activities and community. After the launch itself we will promote your project via our media and broad user base.

KickCoin and KICKONOMY support means accepting KICK tokens as a payment option or using them in a project as a utility token or a digital currency, or giving discount and providing additional benefits to KICK token holders.
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