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More information about VIDT DATALINK


The V-ID validation service uses blockchain technology to end all document fraud. Our client base, with customers like Airbus Space & Defence, operates in various fields, including education, medical, research and tech.

Efficiency through automation
Validate any incoming digital file by hooking up the V-ID API to your CRM, workflow managers or other management systems.

Designed to help you grow
With the increase of digitisation and automation of workflows come new forms of fraud. V-ID helps you identify manipulated digital files which could harm your business, by validating and verifying the files.

Built to prevent any unwelcome edits
Validate outgoing digital files so any receiver can verify that the content came from you. Verify any incoming digital file to make sure it was unaltered and sent by the expected sender.

Add great value to certificates
V-ID’s validation makes diploma fraud a thing of the past.

After validation, graduates can copy, rename, print or send a diploma like any file. Recipients can check the integrity of the validated content, whether it is digital or printed, in 5 seconds.

Validate and protect your invoices
Fake invoices are a costly form of fraud that could affect your customers as well. As a business, you can do your part to stop this form of fraud, by validating your invoices before sending them out.

Make files shareable and verifiable
Documents, e.g. agreements, deeds, birth certificates and other legal documents, may exist only once in printed form. It is risky to handle these important documents, as they could get damaged or lost in the mail. Validation makes these documents (digitally) shareable and verifiable.
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