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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: SGA

More information about SAGA


A token only becomes a currency once it is used by markets as a store of value and means of exchange. To date, no blockchain-based contender has achieved this goal. Adoption as currency is contingent upon the fulfillment of several conditions, chiefly: tamed volatility; regulatory oversight and efficient governance. Saga addresses all of these in its proposition for a new, global currency - SGA.

Stability vs. Growth: Taming Volatility
Saga’s model permits variation in SGA’s exchange rate. However, it also utilises a variable reserve to moderate fluctuations so that stability is not jeopardised by unsustainable growth. Saga’s model is deeply inspired by monetary instruments used by central banks to build the currencies we all use today.

Efficiency vs. Representation: Governed by Participants
Native blockchain governance is not enough. Allowing changes only when there is full consensus, favours representation over expertise and efficiency. Forking as a result of decision making should be used only as a last resort. Saga has implemented a governance model that allows both direct representation and delegation according to the various use cases.

Innovation vs. Compliance: Wide Acceptance
A true currency must enjoy a critical mass of acceptance before it can be used as a means of exchange. This can only be achieved if regulation is met and public policy concerns are answered. Working under a competent regulatory framework, Saga performs a friendly, online onboarding process, which fully conforms with bank-grade regulatory procedures.

Only when a currency is proven reliable can it hope to gain acceptability within the broader market. Saga’s currency (SGA) is designed to replicate the healthy, long-term credibility and trust that many national currencies enjoy, into a global scope. The vision: ushering in worldwide money, meant to complement national currencies. SGA will assume that role based on four main characteristics:
- Modelled : Technology is not an end to itself. Saga's well researched monetary model is the fruit of a great interdisciplinary effort by economists, historians and technology specialists.
- Transparent : Privacy is important, but without accountability - there can be no trust. Saga therefore applies an online regulated KYC and AML process on its participants. Additionally, its banking partners provide daily, 100% transparent attestations about the reserve status.
- Tamed : The building block of a currency is trust, but trust cannot evolve in a highly volatile environment. Saga's model uses a fiat reserve as a stabilising mechanism to support the constant growth of the currency, while gradually gaining intrinsic value and separating from it.
- Governed : Saga is developing a delegate-based governance structure to take and implement decisions. Saga will be governed by delegates of SGA holders benefiting from the efficiency and expertise enabled by a centralised governor whilst upholding SGA holders their governance prerogative.
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