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Type: Stocks
Ticker: AAVVF
ISIN: CA00765F1018

More information about ADVANTAGE ENERGY AAVVF

Sector: Oil & gas


Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. is a growth-oriented corporation focused entirely on development of its significant position in the Montney natural gas and liquids resource play. The Corporation’s common shares trade on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges under the symbol AAV with its head office in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Advantage’s Montney resource play is located at Glacier, Alberta and has an estimated future drilling inventory of >1,000 horizontal well locations. Total estimated capital expenditures over the life of the project could exceed $10 billion with significant reserves and production growth. Production at Glacier has grown to 221 mmcfe/d (36,833 boe/d) with future growth targeted to achieve annual production of 235 mmcfe/d in 2017. Advantage is well positioned with financial and operational flexibility, commodity price hedging and a highly experienced management team and staff to extract value from our Montney land base.