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Type: Cryptocurrencies
Ticker: POE

More information about PO.ET


Po.et is a shared, open, universal ledger designed to record metadata and ownership information for digital creative assets. Po.et is a continuation of Proof of Existence, the first nonfinancial application of blockchain technology. By creating an open platform on the Bitcoin blockchain, Po.et aims to create the largest verifiable record of digital media assets. The Po.et Network will be the backbone of a framework for building smart, interoperable media applications using a shared, standard and extensible metadata format.

In the same way that blockchain technologies have revolutionized the financial industry by creating an immutable and distributed accounting ledger serving as a platform for financial applications, Po.et will transform the publishing industry by creating an immutable and distributed ledger for creative works that may serve as a platform for both centralized and decentralized media applications.

The Po.et token serves as the economic layer for Po.et’s marketplaces to economically incentivize participation, discovery and curation. POE is staked by content creators in order to join a marketplace. If a content creator decides they would like to submit their content to a given marketplace, they will be required to stake a minimum amount per marketplace that they desire to be added to. POE tokens are also staked by content curators and used to incentivize dispute resolution in Po.et's marketplaces.

Focus Points
Po.et helps content creators establish immutable, provable layers of value to help create a better web

The foundation of Po.et is attribution. We enable multiple new ways to reference that content through the entire network to help establish validated claims such as ownership or authorship.

The Po.et Network builds a set of ubiquitous information based on standard protocols to lower the friction in communicating the value of our content and how it can be unlocked.

With the combination of verifiable reputation and on-chain discovery, the Po.et Network expands the options for monetizing content in a safe, controlled way. Both public and private marketplaces can be enabled.

Everyone can see the actions taken on the Po.et Network and establish a history of certain behaviors by entities. Each piece of new information helps us be sure of who is safe with which to engage.

The Po.et Token
How do you take an open, trustless and decentralized system that anyone can write to at basically no cost and determine what information is useful, trustworthy or accurate? What’s to stop someone from copying a famous work, timestamping it to Po.et and claiming it as their own? How do you filter the “good” from the “bad”? Facts from “fake news”? The answers to these questions, these problems, can be crowdsourced by aligning economic incentives of content creators, publishers and curators via competing token-curated marketplaces, using the Po.et token — POE.

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