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Ticker: TYL

Bexar County, Texas, Goes Live With Tyler Technologies’ Court Case and Civil Process Solutions

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Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: TYL) announced today that Bexar County, Texas, has officially gone live with Tyler’s Odyssey® court case management and SoftCode civil process solutions for all civil offices and departments. After 38 years of the county’s being served by a homegrown, legacy mainframe system, this marks a major accomplishment for Bexar County.

“We are very excited to go live with our new court management and civil process solutions for our civil office functions,” said Mark Gager, chief information & technology officer, Bexar County. “Upgrading to Tyler’s solutions brings increased efficiency and accuracy to our processes, and we look forward to realizing even more benefits over time. The go-live process was smooth despite having to implement the solutions mostly remotely during the pandemic.”

Bexar County originally selected Tyler because of its strong reputation and the longevity it could provide as a partner. The successful implementation of Tyler’s Odyssey court case management solution allows the county to transition from paper case files to paperless ones, saving staff time spent on locating case files, filing new documents, and moving files between the clerk offices and courtrooms. In addition, Odyssey helps automate Texas state reporting and integrate with the state’s electronic filing system, Tyler’s eFileTexas solution.

With SoftCode, Bexar County can now better track court case papers and data, record service and payment activity, reconcile financial data, and produce detailed reports of those activities. The solution also seamlessly allows for handling summons, subpoenas, warrants, protection orders, and more. The addition of SoftCode ensures that Bexar County is providing full transparency to its staff and its residents.

By implementing both Odyssey and SoftCode in the cloud, Bexar County is able to eliminate infrastructure and related costs while maintaining a strong level of security for users.

“We’re pleased to improve Bexar County’s court case management systems and processes following a successful go-live,” said Rusty Smith, president of Tyler’s Courts & Justice Division. “We look forward to continuing to serve Bexar County for many years to come, helping them achieve a great level of collaboration between judicial and civil service offices.”

Bexar County is the 16th most populous county in the nation and the fourth most populated in Texas. Its county seat is San Antonio, which is the seventh largest city in the United States. The county has implemented other Tyler justice products, including Brazos electronic citations and Tyler Jury Manager.

About Tyler Technologies, Inc.

Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL) provides integrated software and technology services to the public sector. Tyler's end-to-end solutions empower local, state, and federal government entities to operate more efficiently and connect more transparently with their constituents and with each other. By connecting data and processes across disparate systems, Tyler's solutions are transforming how clients gain actionable insights that solve problems in their communities. Tyler has more than 27,000 successful installations across more than 11,000 sites, with clients in all 50 states, Canada, the Caribbean, Australia, and other international locations. Tyler has been named to Government Technology's GovTech 100 list five times and has been recognized three times on Forbes' "Most Innovative Growth Companies" list. More information about Tyler Technologies, an S&P 500 company headquartered in Plano, Texas, can be found at tylertech.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210610005057/en/

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