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NASDAQ100 INDEX - NASDAQ - 03/04/2024 (GMT)

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  • Timeframe : Daily

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The last week of February was notable due to the publication of the PCE index, known as a “FED’s inflation”. It had displayed a new peak for the 6 months, justifying a restrictive monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. The US dollar reacted with the rebound, but the most notable reaction was visible in Gold, which had crossed the 2050 level.
Stock indices were under pressure on Friday after shares of commercial real estate lender New York Community Bancorp plummeted 26% before the opening bell. However, inspite of the weak consumer sentiment report, stock indices have displayed a strong rally, as weaker views on the economy had lowered the probabilities of interest rate kept at the same level in June.
Yields of 30-year treasury bonds have continued to slowly decline despite high PCE reading earlier this week, though the intermediate-term outlook still points to disinflation, and weak economic publications support this view.
Gold, Nasdaq and Bitcoin are at the center of attention, as the US dollar fails to sustain a growing trend. Today, we will focus on Nasdaq:

The US tech index had reached the new hitstorical high after a rally for semiconductor stocks, such as NVDA and AMD. AI-narrative continues to boost tech stocks higher, but the main question is whether this rally would continue or not.

Bullish trends often fall into the same cyclical pattern: they have a positive expectancy to show a continuation of a growth in a short-term period, but when we extend it to a more extended period of time, the odds of correction start to increase.
This member declared not having a position on this financial instrument or a related financial instrument.

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