Finland Stocks [Cboe] price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Finland Stocks [Cboe] price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CITYCON OYJ [CBOE] 3.980 +2.24% 3.910 4.044 3.910 303,592 - -
CAPMAN OYJ [CBOE] 2.100 +1.70% 2.080 2.115 2.080 4,269 - -
CARGOTEC OYJ [CBOE] 74.80 +1.63% 74.10 74.80 73.40 51,005 - -
CONSTI OYJ [CBOE] 9.48 +0.00% 9.38 9.48 9.38 349 - -
CAVERION OYJ [CBOE] 8.76 +0.00% 8.76 8.76 8.76 402 - -
COMPONENTA OYJ [CBOE] 2.42 +0.00% 2.42 2.42 2.42 411 - -