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Type: Stocks
Ticker: BLK

More information about BLACKROCK INC.

Sector: Financials


BlackRock is trusted to manage more money than any other investment firm*. Our business is investing on behalf of our clients — from large institutions to parents and grandparents, teachers, nurses, doctors and people from all walks of life who entrust their savings to us. We work only for our clients. Our promise is to give them insight into what to do with their money, providing products and services that can help them build a better financial future. Global capabilities BlackRock has world-class capabilities designed for our clients’ greatest needs, with a comprehensive range of products and services across asset classes, geographies and investment strategies. We have expertise in every region around the world, with 135 investment teams in 30 countries sharing their best thinking in order to seek better returns. Who we serve Our clients come from every corner of the globe. They are governments, companies, foundations, and millions of individuals saving for retirement, their children's educations and a better life. Our singular focus We're passionate about our work and intensely focused on performing at the highest levels. To get there, we strive to out-think and out-work competitors and find the best balance of risk and return across all investment styles on behalf of our clients. Responsibility As a fiduciary for our clients and as public company, our focus is long-term sustainability. We aim to be a responsible corporate citizen and to take into account environmental, social and governance issues that have real and quantifiable financial impacts over the long-term for our firm and the firms in which we invest. Long-term responsibility and sustainability are integrated into our business model and shareholder value creation framework and in the way we conduct our business, serve our clients and give back to the communities in which we and our clients live and work.
