Italy FTSE MIB40 price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Page 2

You are currently viewing the Italy FTSE MIB40 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
MONCLER 64.30 +0.28% 64.30 65.38 64.14 538,167 17,670M 0.20%
FERRARI 399.1 +1.00% 398.0 402.9 397.4 300,002 77,395M 0.20%
GENERALI ASS 23.01 -0.82% 23.25 23.28 23.00 2,932,796 36,106M 0.19%
DIASORIN 92.02 -0.11% 92.04 93.90 91.50 98,367 5,148M 0.18%
PIRELLI & C 6.004 -1.45% 6.100 6.102 5.988 1,425,999 6,004M 0.14%
INWIT 10.200 +0.79% 10.090 10.330 10.080 1,244,229 9,794M 0.13%
HERA 3.428 +0.35% 3.424 3.474 3.410 1,886,360 5,106M 0.13%
RECORDATI ORD 50.75 +1.10% 50.20 51.15 50.15 257,183 10,613M 0.12%
POSTE ITALIANE 11.910 -0.17% 11.960 12.020 11.870 1,512,983 15,556M 0.12%
BANCA MEDIOLANUM 10.180 -0.29% 10.260 10.260 10.130 780,107 7,585M 0.11%