FAQ - Traders' questions about Londinia

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Many of you are wondering about our artificial intelligence systems dedicated to technical analysis. The CentralCharts team receives a lot of questions about Londinia every day, so we have identified the most frequent and will answer them in this article. The goal for us is to be as transparent and precise as possible.

1. What is the difference between AI Credits and Londinia Opportunities?
2. What is the difference between your artificial intelligence and an automatic trading system?
3. Does Londinia automatically improve after each analysis?
4. For how long are the AI credits refunded to me on invalidated tests valid?
5. What is the AI’s performance rate?
6. For how long are the AI credits refunded to me on invalidated tests valid?
7. An analysis does not seem relevant to me. What should I do?
8. Why do some analysis charts include 1, 2 or 3 technical indicators?
9. If I request an analysis of the same instrument on a different timeframe, does it cost me another AI credit?
10. Does a request for an expert opinion on an AI analysis also cost 1 AI credit?
11. Is it useful to request a new artificial intelligence analysis if an analysis has already been published?
12. Can the analyses only be reimbursed if they are invalidated?

Of course, if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask in the comments, and we will answer as soon as possible!

1. What is the difference between AI Credits and Londinia Opportunities?

AI credits allow you to ask Londinia at any time for her opinion at a given moment T on the instrument and the timeframe of your choice.

With the "Londinia Opportunities" service, our AI constantly scans the markets and publishes all its analyses with optimal timing and satisfying technical conditions.

2. What is the difference between your artificial intelligence and an automatic trading system (Trading Signals, Expert Advisor etc.)?

One very important thing to understand is that Londinia provides technical analysis, not trading signals.
You're going to ask, what's the difference? Well, it's huge!

In fact Londinia can be applied, on demand, to any instrument/time unit while a trading signal works the other way round, it is sent to you when the trading opportunity arises. Our artificial intelligence favours one-way trading based on a threshold of invalidation and provides price objectives. Londinia’s analyses should be used as a decision support tool. Artificial intelligence is not intended to trade for you, but to assist you in your trading.

Another great advantage is that it is not only possible to use the analyses to enter a position, but you can also use itto tell you what to do with a position you already have in your portfolio.

3. Does Londinia automatically improve after each analysis?

Our artificial intelligence is not in a state of permanent self-learning. However, all the analyses (validated or invalidated) are fed into a simulation engine. This engine simulates, under real market conditions, various suggestions for improvement put forward by Londinia. At the end of these simulations, our team is in charge of validating (or not) new calculations, new interpretations or patterns, or new weightings. Once these elements have been validated, they are then integrated into Londinia.

To summarize, Londinia, therefore, adapts to the markets and to each asset that it is asked to analyse. However, the CentralCharts team remains in control!

4. Should the success rate improve over time?

The success rate only measures the trustworthiness of the technical analyses generated by Londinia. We all know that, in trading, performance is mainly generated through good money management. This is the key to success. You can outperform with a winning trading strategy 30% of the time or under perform with a winning trading strategy 99% of the time.

Of course, we would prefer to see this success rate increase over time, but this is by no means one of our objectives. Londinia is a great decision support tool for traders but it is up to them to adapt their use of Londinia to their trading strategy to improve their performance. Traders can use Londinia to save time in technical analysis and avoid missing trading opportunities. They can also use Londinia's analyses to confirm or compare them with their own. I’m only giving some examples here, but it seems clear that Londinia’s potential can be used by each trader in different ways. The most important thing for us is that Londinia meets traders’ needs properly. In short, that Londinia plays its role, that of a decision support tool, properly!

5. What is the AI’s performance rate?

It would be meaningless to display a "performance rate" for technical analyses. As a reminder, our AI generates technical analysis and not trading signals.

We could calculate the sum of all the points/pips gained on the analyses between the starting point and target 1, and the sum of all the points/pips lost on the analyses between the starting point and the Invalidity Threshold, but this data would be meaningless. In fact, if this statistic were posted on the site, the AI would show positive performance in thousands of percent and encourage the traders who use AI to misuse it.

AI is and will always remain a decision support tool that generates technical analysis. Traders should use AI analysis according to their trading strategy, trading method and money management. Under no circumstances should the generation of an IA analysis be interpreted as an immediate signal to buy or sell a financial asset.

6. How long are IA credits valid for?

The validity of AI credits is unlimited. However, your AI credits can only be used if you are a subscriber to Londinia.
Your AI credits are automatically refunded if your AI analyses are "REIMBURSABLE". You will note that, if our artificial intelligence does not provide a price target, invalidation threshold or its opinion is simply "NEUTRAL" or "LEVEL MAINTTAINED", your credit is automatically refunded.
If you have a balance of AI credits but your subscription to Londinia has expired, your AI credits are not lost! Recover immediately your old credit balance by subscribing again to Londinia!

7. An analysis does not seem relevant to me. What should I do?

Under the analysis chart, you have the "Expert Opinion" module which lets you send your comments (good or bad) to us. Feel free to use it.

8. Why do some analysis charts include 1, 2 or 3 technical indicators? And why are these technical indicators different from one analysis to another?

Londinia only integrates into its analysis chartthose indicators that have been detected or that have received a significant signal.

For example: If Londinia has taken into account the presence of a bullish divergence between the price and the technical indicator RSI, then it will add the indicator RSI to its analysis chart.
Another example: if Londinia has taken into account the exit price of its Bollinger bands, then it will add the Bollinger Bands indicator to its analysis chart.

9. If I request an analysis of the same instrument on a different timeframe, or if I request the exact same analysis later in the day, does it cost me another AI credit?

Yes. Every AI request consumes one AI credit. You can track all your credit movements here: My AI credits

(Consumption of credits, refunded credits, purchase of credit packs, and monthly receipt of credits for subscribers)

10. Does a request for an expert opinion on an AI analysis also cost 1 AI credit?

No. Expert opinion does not consume credit. It provides additional analysis if an AI analysis does not seem relevant to you. Note that expert opinions are limited to 1 a day and can only be carried out on the same instrument and the same timeframe.

11. Is it useful to request a new artificial intelligence analysis if an analysis has already been published?

It all depends on the timeframe analyzed and the movements recorded since the analysis’ publication. You should understand that if this analysis is "daily", the analysis replay only includes one candle closed at the end of the session. On the other hand, if it is an analysis on the 15min timeframe, on an instrument that is quoted even during the night, a large number of candles can form quite quickly.

In summary, it is better to wait until about ten candles have formed on the previous published analysis before considering generating a new analysis on the same instrument and timeframe. Otherwise, you may get the same analysis as the one already published because the analysis data will not have changed enough.

12. Can the analyses only be reimbursed if they are invalidated?

No. Various analysis statuses allow you to operate your "Validated analysis or refunded credit" guarantee:

Please note that even "Level maintained" analyses allow you to get an AI credit reimbursement. This status change only occurs after 20 candles have been closed after the analysis has been published.

For analyses with a status of "Neutral" / "No target" / "No invalidation threshold", the AI credit refund can be immediate.

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