Spain Indices price list and quotes

You are currently viewing the Spain Indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
LATIBEX AS 2,528.2000 -0.17% 2,532.6001 2,535.0000 2,519.0000 33 - -
IBEX35 INDEX 11,153.00 +0.65% 11,106.00 11,160.00 11,076.10 206,759 - -
IBEX TOP DIV 3,194.8999 -0.07% 3,196.6001 3,200.5000 3,181.8999 138,096 - -
IBEX SMALL C 8,575.7002 +0.24% 8,541.5996 8,586.4004 8,540.0996 68,497 - -
IBEX MEDIUM 14,238.7998 +0.69% 14,132.5000 14,238.7998 14,070.7998 3,756 - -
IBEX MAB ALL SHARE 1,743.1000 -0.63% 1,757.4000 1,757.4000 1,738.4000 2,230 - -
IBEX MAB 15 1,653.3000 -1.50% 1,685.2000 1,686.4000 1,652.2000 1,970 - -
IBEX INVERSO 1,595.9000 -0.63% 1,602.7000 1,607.0000 1,594.9000 206,759 - -
IBEX IMPACTO 235.6000 +0.00% 235.6000 235.6000 235.6000 206,759 - -
IBEX GENDER 9,908.10 +0.45% 9,870.00 9,908.90 9,861.10 215,303 - -
IBEX ESGW 12,093.60 +0.58% 12,051.20 12,098.80 12,018.00 183,389 - -
IBEX ESG 12,233.50 +0.57% 12,190.70 12,239.20 12,155.80 183,389 - -
IBEX DIVNETO 31,171.0996 +0.65% 31,039.6992 31,190.5996 30,956.0996 206,759 - -
IBEX DIVIDEN 37,999.1016 +0.65% 37,839.0000 38,022.8008 37,737.1016 206,759 - -
IBEX DCR 5 10,951.30 +0.64% 10,905.10 10,951.30 10,905.10 206,759 - -
IBEX DCR 450 10,924.60 +0.64% 10,878.50 10,924.60 10,878.50 206,759 - -
IBEX DCR 400 11,079.70 +0.64% 11,033.00 11,079.70 11,033.00 206,759 - -
IBEX DCR 4,5 11,079.90 +0.64% 11,033.20 11,079.90 11,033.20 206,759 - -
IBEX CAP NET 31,256.4004 +0.65% 31,124.6992 31,275.9004 31,040.9004 206,759 - -